



Fall 2023 本科 研究 Forum (Virtual)

This forum is coordinated by the 艺术学院 Council for 本科 研究 (COTA CUR).  


Amber Solana: Choreographic Copyrights: The Case of Fuller v. 比米斯

Loïe富勒的《正规博彩十大网站排名》,... “a show of swirling silk and rainbow lights”, became an international phenomenon and it forever impacted how dancers can get copyrighted in today’s society. Join me in exploring this research topic I chose for my Dance History 研究 Project!

Amber Solana is a second-year double majoring in dance with a modern concentration and marketing. She’s danced for 16 years and competitively danced for 9 of those years with Studio 4 the 艺术 in Powder Springs, Ga. She has been a member of the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Dance Company and she represented the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Dance Department at the 2023 正规博彩十大网站排名 艺术学院 Gala as a performer. Amber has also been a part of a dance film with 4Sight Productions and performed at the 2023 Fall for Fall Dance Festival in Atlanta under choreographer McKaylah Bristow. She is forever grateful for the experiences she has gained from the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Dance Department and she is looking forward to the rest of her college career here at 正规博彩十大网站排名!

James Doster: Stephen Sondheim's "刺客," An All-American Review

Stephen Sondheim is one of the most famous composers in Broadway history. 他巧妙地 令人回味的分数如 《正规博彩十大网站排名》, 走进森林, 西区故事 are famous, even with people that are not theatre artists. 刺客 is one of Sondheim’s most under-appreciated works, as it cleverly holds the mirror up to American society through it’s most notorious brand of criminal: the Presidential assassin.

刺客 criticizes the American dream, by exploring the pressures that are put upon Americans to achieve it, when they fail to do so, their anger turns to the figurehead who 向他们承诺梦想. 刺客 把这些背叛的主题编织在一起, 机会, 愤怒, sadness to form a beautiful piece that should be considered one of Sondheim’s finest works. 

James Doster is an aspiring actor and singer. 他是正规博彩十大网站排名专业的大二学生 in 剧院 and Performance Studies with a concentration in Musical 剧院. 他已经 在诸如 芝加哥, 窗帘, 罗森格兰兹 & 吉尔登斯特恩已经死了. He loves learning guitar, writing, singing and his orange cat, Little Man.


Spring 2023 本科 研究 Forum (Virtual)

This forum is coordinated by the 艺术学院 Council for 本科 研究 (COTA CUR).  


Issa Solís: “Why is the Collision Model a Holistically Effective Strategy to Rehabilitate Incarcerated Youth?”

剧院 and Performance Studies senior Issa Solís has been involved with the New Connections Collision Project as a peer mentor and most recently a student assistant. In this presentation, she offers a case for theatre-based rehabilitation for incarcerated youth.

Issa is a senior at 正规博彩十大网站排名 with a major in 剧院 and Performance Studies and a minor in Latin American Studies. 伊萨最大的热情在于 intersection between art and community engagement. 她很幸运能参与 local art activism with the New Connections Collision Project, a collaboration between 正规博彩十大网站排名, the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice, the Alliance 剧院. When Issa graduates, she hopes to attend graduate school to receive a master's degree and continue to work in art and community engagement.


“Deuce Coupe is noted to be one of the most influential ballets of the 1970’s because of Twyla Tharp’s commitment to push boundaries and change what is traditionally accepted as ballet repertoire.”

卡莉·沃尔特斯 is a junior double majoring in dance with a ballet concentration and business management. She previously trained in the pre-professional academy at the Atlanta Academy of Ballet and Dance. She is certified in level one of the Revolutionary Principles of Movement curriculum and is also continuing her dance education by being an instructor. She has attended summer intensives with Texas Ballet Theater, 美国芭蕾舞剧院, 以及奥兰多芭蕾舞学校. 


亚历克西斯年轻, "Exploring the Intersection of Dance and AI: A Dancer's Perspective"

Join me as I discuss my perspective as a dance major and research assistant in the 生成式人工智能领域. Discover how this technology can serve as a tool for creative expression and feedback in the world of dance, offering new possibilities for both 艺术家和观众都一样.

亚历克西斯年轻 is a senior dance major at 正规博彩十大网站排名, specializing in modern dance. As a research assistant to esteemed Professor Andrea Knowlton during the spring 2023 semester, Alexis is delving into the fascinating realm of dance and Generative AI. With 12 years of extensive dance experience under her belt, Alexis plans to combine her passion for dance with her upcoming pursuit of a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Her ultimate goal is to aid dancers by preventing injuries and offering rehabilitation through a unique and innovative approach. 


Fall 2022 本科 研究 Forum (Virtual)

2022秋季本科研究(虚拟) Learn about our undergraduate students’ scholarship virtually. 

This forum is coordinated by the 艺术学院 Council for 本科 研究 (COTA CUR).  

